Share The Connection Cure
Social Psychologist, Barbara Fredrickson, defines micro-moments as, “a genuine positive exchange, not just with friends or loved ones, but with strangers.”
We all have a story about a moment when we connected unexpectedly with someone; a time when we were moved by a stranger, someone different than us, someone just like us. We now know that these moments have the potential to heal our bodies, but what becomes possible when we start sharing our stories?
The connection cure is asking YOU to share your moments.
Can we be a catalyst for engagement and start a ripple effect of connectedness, state-by-state, by creating a space for you to share YOUR surprising interactions, meaningful conversations, and moments of connection? We hope that sharing these stories will inspire others to do the same– to reach out, engage in conversations with strangers, and be open to the element of surprise.
Share your micro-moments on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using hashtag #connectioncure.